Jenna Hatfield over at BlogHer has a comprehensive post on a horrifyingly embarrassing moment in Judith Griggs’ life.
Lift a Blogger’s Post? But Honestly, Cook’s Source, You Can’t Do That (if the link is kaput, go here:
There is the part of me that is sympathetic to effing up super badly—and in writing too—and that part of me does feel for Ms. Griggs.
At the same time, it does seem that having your name made into a verb (e.g., to grigg is to steal a bloggers work without permission) is a rather special, if dubious, honor. I imagine that Ms. Griggs’ magazine has gotten more traffic of late (ditto this link:
Monica Gaudio explains the mess herself on her blog and took the rather daring tack of reprinting her emailed response from Ms. Griggs (double ditto:
Yi yi.
So what have we learned?
The vast series of tubes in the sky, our InterWeb, is not full of public domain material. It’s just as important to cite your sources here—easier too. And, honestly, it’s the nice, polite thing to do. I think we can do with a little more civility, no?
Have you been griggsed? Weigh in below.